Welcome to the PAGE Documentation¶
- Introduction
- The PAGE Interface
- Defaults and Preferences
- Module Structure
- Styles and Themes
- Using PAGE
- Naming Conventions
- Overview
- Toplevel Geometry
- Aliases
- Balloon Help - Tooltips
- Selecting and Modifying a Widget
- Multiple Selection
- Undo
- Modifying the Geometry of a Widget
- Cut, Copy, and Paste
- Stash and Apply - Propagate Widget Options
- Callback Functions
- Specifying Fonts
- Toplevel Widget
- Relative Placement
- Tkinter Variable Classes
- Ttk Widgets
- Scrolled Widgets
- Ttk Notebook and PNotebook
- Ttk Panedwindow
- Ttk Treeview
- Entry
- Ttk Entry
- Ttk Combobox
- Radiobuttons
- Strangeness with Text and Variables
- Label
- Listbox
- Spinbox
- Scale and TScale
- TSeparator
- Sizegrip
- Custom Widgets
- Canvas
- Generating, Inspecting, and Running the Python GUI
- Creating and Saving Code Modules
- Inspecting the Generated Python Modules
- Executing the Python Modules
- Loading generated Python modules into an IDE
- Applications with Multiple Toplevel Windows
- Busy Cursors
- Using Images
- Dynamic Widgets
- Saving of PAGE Files
- Menus
- Rework
- Reuse
- Ttkwidgets Package
- Examples
- Epilogue