PAGE - Python Automatic GUI Generator - Version 8.0
Sourceforge Summary Page
Short Description
Systems Supported
Small offerings for your consideration.
Vrex - Visual regexp written in Python
Adages that have served me well
Short Description
PAGE is a cross-platform drag-and-drop GUI generator, bearing a
resemblance to Visual Basic. It allows one to easily create Python
GUI windows containing a selection of Tk and ttk widgets. Required is
a current version version of Python.
PAGE is actually written in Tcl/Tk 8.6 which is embedded in tkinter.
PAGE springs from Virtual Tcl, forked and extended to generate
Python modules that realize the desired GUI.
PAGE is not an end-all, be-all tool, but rather one that attempts
to ease the burden on the Python programmer. It is aimed at the user
who will put up with a less than completely general GUI capability in
order to get an easily generated GUI. A helper and learning tool, it
does not build an entire application but rather is aimed at building
and organizing the GUI classes and the boiler plate code in Python
necessary for getting the GUI on the screen.
Version 8.0 is a major release that provides initial support for
ttk theming.
Version 7.0 is a major release that allows the creation of GUI's
with multiple Toplevel Widgets. Further, 7.0 drops support for Python
Change review:
The 4.2 release is a major release incorporating an approach to the
rework problem.
The 4.3 extends the rework support to optionally upgrade an existing
support module with Tk variables and skeleton functions newly
required as a result of rework.
The 4.4 release supports popup or context menus. Also, support for ttk
menubuttons has been removed pending more debugging. Finally, support
for function definition and editing has been removed;
The 4.5 release supports the placement of the GUI at the default
location as determined by the window manager.
The 4.6 release includes new function. a) Shows generated code in separate console windows. b) Allows loading of consol windows without geberating code. c) Allows the opening of users favorite IDE with saved versions of the generated code.
The 4.7 release includes support for binding events to top level
windows and reorganizes the generated code for greater clarity and
provides variable parameter lists for the init function in the support
module using the Python convention of *vargs, **kwargs. Important
fixes for Cut, Copy, and Paste and for the TCombobox widget.
The 4.8 release includes support for Custom widgets which are widgets
for which the Python implementation is left to the user. Python 3
versions of the examples are included. The widgets handles have been
enlarged and colored to facilitate selection. Numerous bugs have been fixed.
The 4.8.1 release fixes the bug which prevents PAGE from opening in
The 4.8.2 release fixes bug which prevents PAGE opening when a .pagerc
file is missing.
The 4.8.3 release fixes bug which prevents opening existing project
The 4.8.4 release fixes bug which interferes with the saving of the
support module in certain cases when PAGE should update the support module.
The 4.8.5 release fixes font bugs related to the About and the Error windows.
The 4.8.6 release fixes a Custom widget bug and has extensively
revised documentation.
The 4.8.7 release fixes a Custom widget bug, includes modifications to
font handling, context menus, Windows installation, and has updated
The 4.8.8 release fixes bugs occurring when .pagerc is missing.
The 4.8.9 release fixes a bug which is of interest to Windows users who
install PAGE in custom locations where the path name includes
blanks. Small changes to the documentation about event bindings. A new
example has been added. A change has been made to the menu creation to avoid some confusing error messages.
The 4.9 release fixes bug related to state values of a few of
widgets. It also improves the Widget Tree by changing the lables to
display the class and the alias of the widget.
The 4.10 release includes a reuse facility which allows cut from
existing projects and paste to the current project. This release also
modifies the startup to automatically create the Toplevel widget and
expands support for the Canvas widget and adds some checking of
identifier syntax. In addition, there is a new custom version of the
TNotebook widget which incorporates an icon for closing tabs.
The 4.11 release allows one to copy a menu bar from an existing
project to the current project. An important addition is the inclusion
of a tutorial written by Greg Walters.
The 4.12 release fixes several bugs related to placement, cut and
paste, and borrowing.
The 4.13 release adds a search function to the Python Consols, fixes a
syntax coloring problem, adds additional support for utf-8 encoding, and
fixes some bugs.
The 4.14 release provides function to save the Widget Tree to a
file and function to display callback functions. Fixes are also made
for copy and paste as well as to relative placement.
The 4.15 release improves the use of the Binding Window, improves the
display of callback functions, and the automatic saving of the project
file. The ttk::separator widget is added and support of custom
widgets expanded. Individual widget geometries can now be locked to
prevent mouse changes.
The 4.16 release fixes an important bug in the support module update
feature as well as improving the "Fill Container" function.
The 4.17 release displays the locked state of a widget in the
Attribute Editor, adds a preference for setting the indentation,
expands tabs when updating the support module, fixes a subtle bug with
placement within labelframe widgets, and enhances the use of geometric
attributes in the Attribute Editor.
The 4.18 release enhances the Scrolled widgets to support mousewheel
scrolling, changes the style of tkinter imports, adds line numbering
to the Python consoles, enables the context menu for Attribute Editor,
and fixes bugs.
The 4.19 release provides Stash and Apply mechanism for transferring attributes from one widget to others, enables context menus in the Attribute Editor for transferring attributes from one widget to others - :ref:`see the Attribute Editor `, further enhances scrolling of PAGE windows, fixes bugs related to color preferences.
The 4.20 release fixes bugs related to the Scale widget and the Scrolledtreeview widget.
The 4.21 release includes Balloon Help (tooltips) for many of the supported widgets and bug fixes related to widget images.
The 4.22 release fixes several bugs.
The 4.23 release fixes several bugs, one related to the
Scrolledtreeview, another to code generation in the absence of an IDE
specification, and one related to changing relative size attributes in
the Attribute Editor. The font support revealed errors and had to be
fixed. Finally, the encoding problems and internationalization was
The 4.23a release fixes error that prevents code generation.
The 4.24 release includes further corrections for widget images, and
font specification. It also facilitates the use of multiple
initialization files.
The 4.25 release makes operation on 32 bit Windows system a whole lot
better. It enables the opening of project files on drives different
from the current drive, improves the "Stash and Apply" to facilitate
widget alignment, changes the preferences function has to allow the
saving of preferences to a named file, and fixes several bugs.
The 4.25.1 release fixes a bug affecting the Python generation for a
number of ttk widgets when project have not been saved and reopened
before generation of GUI module code.
The 4.26 release corrects several bugs related to widget handles,
notebook, and menu generation. It also tentatively explores the
ttkwidgets package.
The 5.0 release contains rewrite of the support module update code,
provides limited functionality for multiple widget selection, adds
the Scrolledwindow widget based on the canvas widget, adds New
command to File menu in main menu, extends relative placement to the
design phase of GUI development providing a WYSIWYG improvement, and
fixes a number of bugs.
The 5.0.1 release repairs a mistake in the release of 5.0 documentation.
The 5.0.2 release corrects a mistake with busy cursors in PAGE
The 5.0.3 release fixes bugs with relative placement and multiple
The 5.1 release extends functions available in multiple selection,
provides an experimental undo capability for certain operations,
handles Windows device letters better,
improves the resizing of panes in paned windows.
The 5.2 release fixes the saving of font specification for scrolled
widgets, modifies the tooltip support, expands the multiple selection
facility, and improves undo.
The 5.3 release fixes the use of arrow keys and extends their
usage to changing sashes in paned windows, corrects some problems with
paned windows, simplifies the specification of command attributes with
arguments by generating lambda functions in some simple cases, and
includes minor changes to the menu editor.
- The 5.4 release changes the Menu Editor to more closely align
with Tk menu capabilities, fixes a problem with font preferences, adds
the Scrolledspinbox widget.
- The 5.5 release fixes a problem with aliases in copy-and-paste
operations, adds the capability to revert to default geometries for
the principle PAGE windows, fixes problems with opening and saving
projects, fixes a problem the Absolute/Relative code, makes minor
improvement in the handling of fonts, reworks some of the examples for
better presentation across OS's.
- The 5.6 release fixes a problem with code generation for notebook
widgets, fixes a problem with the presentation of the Attribute Editor
in Windows, revises the command options.
- The 6.0 release employs a Python wrapper which leads to a much
simpler installation process, improves the error handling and
display of PAGE errors, puts install directory in users PATH for
Windows users, sets working directory of Windows icon to the users
- The 6.0.1 release fixes a bug with the separator widgets, and
fixes problems with the Column Editor for Scrolledtreview widgets.
- The 6.1 release introduces an autosave feature, accepts a
nonexistance project file at invocation, and fixes several bugs.
- The 6.2 release fixes several bugs.
The 7.0 release is a major release which
- Utilizes new formats for the generated GUI module and the support module which are simpler particulary for multiple toplevel GUI's. However, the new formats present some backward compatibility questions with existing support modules.
- Changes code for the skeletal callback functions.
- Drops Python 2 support.
- Updates examples to version 7.
- Updates and substantially enlarges the tutorials.
- Includes a discussion on migrating projects created in earlier versions of PAGE.
- Improves presentation of attribute errors.
- Allows user defined names for context menu function names.
- Corrects code for using images.
- Corrects code in notebook editor.
- Improves the handling of text and textvariable interactions.
- Adds support for the ttk::spinbox widget.
- Modifies the copy-paste to behave more naturally when borrowing toplevel windows.
- Corrects problems with copy-paste of toplevel menubars and context menus.
- Modifies the Widget Tree to behave more naturally when borrowing.
- Relegates backup files to the "backups" subdirectoy of project directory.
- Adds a preference to add custom sizes to the font selection dialog.
- Provides support for the labelanchor attribute with labelframe widgets.
- Support for inclusion of the post command for the ttk::combobox.
- Fixes miscellaneous bugs.
The 7.1 release:
- Improves behavior of Attribute Editor.
- Corrects bug that prevented creation of popup menus.
The 7.2 release:
- Corrects bugs related to the textvariable option with ttk
widgets. Requires the user to disregard "::" artifact in Attribute
- Disallows the closing of the Widget Tree by the user.
- Now supports a variety of graphical formats including JPEG for most
architectures and OS's.
- Uses tk widgets, in place of ttk widgets for dialogues.
- Corrects bugs in the update functions.
- Corrects bug with selecting TLabel widgets.
The 7.3 release consists mostly of bug fixes.
The 7.4 release:
- Cleans up color handling and can lead to a "Dark" mode for PAGE.
- Supports the location of rc files to be in any writable
- Added some capability to modify global colors when reopening existing
- Includes a new example which shows all of the supported widgets and
shows some useful tips.
The 7.5 release:
- Moves some boiler plate code from the toplevel class definitions to
the module level.
- Adds function to Widget Tree allowing collapse and expansion of
container widgets.
- Changes the code generation for GUI images so that generated GUI
modules can be executed from arbitrary directories.
- Corrects problems with paned window widget.
- Improves menu processing.
- Makes minor corrections to color handling.
- Changes skeletal callback functions to make the output more
- Adds a couple of color utilities to help with choosing colors.
The 7.6 release:
- Adds support for vertical progress bars.
- Improves behavior Attribute Editor resizing.
- Changes popup (context) menus from root widgets to toplevel
- Extends Tooltip support to allow user specify attribute changes
from within the support module.
- Corrects some issues with Menu Editor.
- Corrects an issue with the borrow facility.
Systems Supported
Currently PAGE and the resulting GUI windows have been tested on
Linux running Python 3.9 running on Linux, and
Windows 10, In the recent past it has been tested on OSX and Raspbian
using Python 3.9.
PAGE no longer supports Python 2.
Widgets Supported
as well as the following ttk widgets:
and the scrolled widgets based on ttk widgets based on
pyttk examples by Guilherme Polo:
and finally
Custom widget
Balloon Help - Tooltip Support
Other features:
- Menu Editor for creating menus.
- Attribute Editor to easily modify widget attributes.
- Editor for Event binding.
- Editor for specifying Notebook pages and Panedwindow panes.
- Balloon help (Tooltips) support.
- Column Editor for specifying column attributes in treeview widgets.
The required packages for executing PAGE are:
PAGE 7.0 or greater - This is the GUI generator. Actually one
should be using the latest version.
All that is required for executing the python code generated by
PAGE is a recent version of Python 3. The current version of the
Python tkinter package includes the ttk widget set. One does not
have to install PAGE to execute programs containing GUI's
generated by PAGE. All that is necessary is a Python version which
includes the ttk widgets.
On Linux one downloads PAGE-xxx.tgz and expands it in a directory -
usually the home directory. It is recommended that a bash alias be created
with a command such as "alias page="python3 ~/page/"; one can
then invoke page with the command "page".
In Windows download and execute PAGE-xxx.exe creating the
directory c:\page and an onscreen icon for executing PAGE. The
installation of PAGE adds the installation directory to the PATH
enviromnent variable. One can invoke page with the command "page".
Users Documentation which is also
included in the package. There is now
an Epub version of the documentation.
The tutorial subdiretory, "page/docs/tutorial"
contains a tutorial, discriptive information, and
sample code written by Greg Walters.
The documentation on this site may be more recent than that
included with the package. When a package is released, it will
definitely include the most recent documentation and I always try to
provide up-to-date documentation for all features released. If you
have suggestions for improving the documentation I definitely would
like to hear about them.
To download Page, go to the
Source Download Page from
which you can download the most recent version or
Tcl Debugging Functions
Similar to above I wrote a series of Tcl
debugging functions which make it easier to insert debugging
statements into a tcl program.
Small offerings for your consideration.
Vrex - Visual regexp written in Python
This is example code based on Visual REGEXP. It is a tool for
constructing and testing Python regular expressions. It has been
updated to use ttk::panedwindow's and it, Vrex, provides most of the obvious facilities of
that program, hence the lower case in the name. It is a tool that I
use all the time. It will run under recent versions of Python3.
Adages that have served me well
From a career of programming I have observed some things that have
helped me quite a bit. See adages.
I am Don Rozenberg. I encourage
you to contact me with any problems, comments or suggestions.
Keep those cards and letters coming; they are the only feedback I get.