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PAGE - Python Automatic GUI Generator - Version 8.0

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  Sourceforge Summary Page
  Short Description
  Systems Supported
  Small offerings for your consideration.
    Vrex - Visual regexp written in Python
    Adages that have served me well

Short Description

PAGE is a cross-platform drag-and-drop GUI generator, bearing a resemblance to Visual Basic. It allows one to easily create Python GUI windows containing a selection of Tk and ttk widgets. Required is a current version version of Python. PAGE is actually written in Tcl/Tk 8.6 which is embedded in tkinter. PAGE springs from Virtual Tcl, forked and extended to generate Python modules that realize the desired GUI.

PAGE is not an end-all, be-all tool, but rather one that attempts to ease the burden on the Python programmer. It is aimed at the user who will put up with a less than completely general GUI capability in order to get an easily generated GUI. A helper and learning tool, it does not build an entire application but rather is aimed at building and organizing the GUI classes and the boiler plate code in Python necessary for getting the GUI on the screen.

Version 8.0 is a major release that provides initial support for ttk theming.

Version 7.0 is a major release that allows the creation of GUI's with multiple Toplevel Widgets. Further, 7.0 drops support for Python 2. Change review:

Systems Supported

Currently PAGE and the resulting GUI windows have been tested on Linux running Python 3.9 running on Linux, and Windows 10, In the recent past it has been tested on OSX and Raspbian using Python 3.9. PAGE no longer supports Python 2.

Widgets Supported

as well as the following ttk widgets: and the scrolled widgets based on ttk widgets based on pyttk examples by Guilherme Polo: and finally

Other features:


The required packages for executing PAGE are:

All that is required for executing the python code generated by PAGE is a recent version of Python 3. The current version of the Python tkinter package includes the ttk widget set.  One does not have to install PAGE to execute programs containing GUI's generated by PAGE. All that is necessary is a Python version which includes the ttk widgets.

On Linux one downloads PAGE-xxx.tgz and expands it in a directory - usually the home directory. It is recommended that a bash alias be created with a command such as "alias page="python3 ~/page/"; one can then invoke page with the command "page".

In Windows download and execute PAGE-xxx.exe creating the directory c:\page and an onscreen icon for executing PAGE. The installation of PAGE adds the installation directory to the PATH enviromnent variable. One can invoke page with the command "page".


Users Documentation which is also included in the package. There is now an Epub version of the documentation.

The tutorial subdiretory, "page/docs/tutorial" contains a tutorial, discriptive information, and sample code written by Greg Walters.

The documentation on this site may be more recent than that included with the package. When a package is released, it will definitely include the most recent documentation and I always try to provide up-to-date documentation for all features released. If you have suggestions for improving the documentation I definitely would like to hear about them.


To download Page, go to the Source Download Page from which you can download the most recent version or

Download PAGE .

Tcl Debugging Functions

Similar to above I wrote a series of Tcl debugging functions which make it easier to insert debugging statements into a tcl program.

Small offerings for your consideration.

Vrex - Visual regexp written in Python

This is example code based on Visual REGEXP. It is a tool for constructing and testing Python regular expressions. It has been updated to use ttk::panedwindow's and it, Vrex, provides most of the obvious facilities of that program, hence the lower case in the name. It is a tool that I use all the time. It will run under recent versions of Python3.

Adages that have served me well

From a career of programming I have observed some things that have helped me quite a bit. See adages.


I am Don Rozenberg. I encourage you to contact me with any problems, comments or suggestions. Keep those cards and letters coming; they are the only feedback I get.
